Birdwatching paradise

The Comacchio Lagoons represent the largest wetland complex in Italy and the main attraction of the Po Delta Park.

The bird population is the most spectacular element of this nature reserve, with dozens of water bird species.

For this reason, this area of the Po Delta Park is considered the ‘Italian Camargue’.

From Pesca Foce Station there are boat trips,footpaths and cycle paths that will take you on a journey of discovery of a truly unique eco-system of endless water, tiny patches of land, and fishing huts. Wherever you turn,there is chance to learn about the history of fishing relating to the traditional ‘lavoriero’, a trap placed in the water to catch eels as they migrate to the sea driven by their reproductive instinct, separating them from other fish such as mullet, sea bass, sea bream, ‘passere’ and ’acquadelle’.

The ‘huts’ served as fishing stations as well aslook-out points to protect the lagoons from illegal fishing.

They are a key feature in this unique, spellbinding tourist itinerary, which extends from the river banks, along the inner canals to the lagoons. Other reserves to visit in these lagoons are the Valle Zavalea, at the far north westerly end, and Valle Campo, which can be accessed via the SS 309 Romea.

The salt flats cover an area of approx. 550 hectares north east of the main lagoon complex. They still house a salt-extracting system built in the Napoleonic era and bear witness to the role played by Comacchio in the production of salt since ancient times.

It consists of a succession of canals, stretches of water, and basins for the collection of sea water, and the evaporation and crystallization of salt. This environment, which is exceptionaldue tothe high concentration of salt in the surrounding waters, is home tounique species of plants as well as water birds. Moreover, it is a very important stopover for migrating birds. This rich and tranquil environment make the salt flats a vitalarea for many species to nest. Among these,a large colony ofred flamingos, one of few in Europe, have chosen to settle in this magnificentlocation.

This extraordinary natural site is listed as a Wetland of international importance by the Ramsar Convention, and a Project of Common Interest and Special Protection Area for the conservation of wild birds by the European Union.

Check out our offers and buy your ticket directly!

The Comacchio Lagoons by Boat

BOAT EXCURSION in the Lagoons of Comacchio, departing daily from Stazione Foce, with guided tour of the ancient fishing houses

Sunset at the Casoni

Suggestive itinerary at sunset to reach the Coccalino and Pegoraro huts located on narrow strips of sand, crossing the most fascinating landscapes of the Comacchio’s Lagoons.

From Comacchio to the Lagoons: the Eel fisching Spots

Boat trip from Comacchio to Stazione Foce where you can visit the

Bike tour with the Man of the Lagoon

A pleasant bike tour led by a professional guide to step back in time. Experience with aperitif.

Bike & Boat between Comacchio Lagoons and Saltworks

For adventure lovers, an EXCURSION not to be missed which alternates routes with the BIKE and BOAT between the Lagoons and the old Saltworks of Comacchio.

In Canoe under the Moonlight

Sailing from the Sea to the Lagoons

To admire the lagoons at sunset, choose this BOAT TOUR departing from Porto Garibaldi. Aperitif will be served on board.

Comacchio Lagoon by canoe

TRIP ON A CANADIAN CANOE to the Comacchio Lagoons, leaving from Stazione Foce, accompanied by expert instructors.

Exclusive tour for photographers and birdwatchers

CUSTOMISED BOAT TRIP in the Comacchio's Lagoons dedicated to birdwatchers and photographers

Dinner Cruise in Comacchio's Lagoons at Sunset

Excursion to the extraordinary setting of the Comacchio's lagoons at sunset and fish-based dinner on board according to the most traditional recipes.

On the water in a traditional “batana”

Exclusive tours FOR TWO PERSONS navigating the Valli di Comacchio aboard a HISTORIC BOAT, a local, flat-bottom vessel. You will live a unique and exciting experience.

Between Lagoons and Saltworks by Bike

Guided BICYCLE tour to discover the most striking views of the valleys. Possibility to enjoy an aperitif at the end of the experience.

Bike & Boat at sunset: from the Sea to the Lagoons

This beautiful itinerary includes a BOAT TRIP and a CYCLING TOUR. We will pass through the seaside, the Lagoons and the old salt pans of Comacchio.

Comachio up and down: Canals, Valleys, salt Pans and Flamingos

During this tour we explore the territory of Comacchio, passing through the valleys and the salt pans until the sea. We discover new and unknown places.

Argine degli Angeli in the heart of Po Delta Park

Tour through dunes and coastal pine forests until the mouth of “Bellocchio”, one of the most famous places of the Comacchio Valleys and natural reserve. The mouth of “Bellocchio” hosts the traditional “lavoriero” that had been used to fish the eel for ages.

Boscoforte, a jewel in the crown of the Comacchio's Lagoon

We will drive through breathtaking landscapes reaching the northern limit of the peninsula. A professional guide will lead us by the sunset warm lights during a unique experience in an area usually closed to visitors


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